The Studio

A program for mission-driven women business owners to create, connect — and conquer.  


Welcome to The Studio, a virtual program for mission-driven women business owners, creatives and service providers who want to create something magical, meaningful — and profitable. 

If you have a project or an idea in your heart that you just can’t seem to get off the ground or are stuck in the creative or implementation process, we invite you to join our 10-week fall cohort where you’ll be guided, inspired and held accountable to bring your vision to life. 

You may be an established business owner with a new idea you can’t shake — but day-to-day responsibilities prevent you from pursuing it. You may be a content creator, churning out material — but want to also create a formal business offering from it. You may have the basics of your business down — but have always wanted to create an event, podcast or regular newsletter. You may be excellent at what you do --- but now want your expertise to shine in front of a new audience or via a new medium. You may love being creative – or it may be the bane of your existence.  

Regardless of who you are and what your project is, you and the other members of this program are all hoping to achieve your goals in the same manner: through expert guidance and a supportive space to create, learn and stay on track for a launch. Your current mood: someday is now. 

The Studio may be the perfect fit for you if you want to create:

Your Instructor

That’s me. I’m Antoinette, founder of Mama Beasts and now – The Studio. 

Before becoming a mother, I was a reporter, writer, consultant and public relations manager. Even when I held full-time corporate jobs, I was always simultaneously working on a side project. I could never seem to turn off ideas or harness my creativity in a way that contained it to only my day job. 

Fun story: feeling particularly frustrated one day with my ideas being nixed at work – I conceptualized and pitched a story to Modern Bride about a trend I observed while planning my own wedding. Not only did I get hired to write the piece (and was the most I had ever been paid for an article), but it was featured on The Today Show. The day after it aired, I created a website for myself and decided I’d always give myself an outlet to create work I loved regardless of where I worked. 

After the birth of my first son, I didn’t return to the traditional workforce. I went on to found Mama Beasts, a stroller fitness program and community in the Boston area. With zero marketing budget, I was able to significantly grow Mama Beasts, eventually building a team of instructors and expanding the program into several suburbs, which would ultimately impact thousands of women through our in-person and virtual classes, online programs, 1:1 coaching, events and retreats. It was an incredible opportunity to support women during motherhood - and it allowed me to constantly create all tghe things. It was also profitable from  driving consistent YOY revenue increases of 26% and profitability increase of >120% from year five to ten. 

In 2022, I created my ultimate dream, shifting Mama Beasts to a media brand where I could still support mothers, but also work in an editor and producer role. Now, Mama Beasts provides inspiring and relatable content for the woman inside the mother, offering a more empowering take on midlife.   Since launching, we’ve published hundreds of articles in ten themed e-magazine issues, launched a podcast and hosted events – regularly securing advertisers and doubling our existing audience.

My Experience

In addition to founding Mama Beasts, I hold a BFA in writing and publishing and a Master’s Degree in Education. Leading the Studio will allow me to combine my passions – educating women and creating, and I look forward to drawing from my creative experiences throughout this next coaching venture. 

Some productions & work under my own brand

  • A stroller fitness program and community that reached thousands of moms in nine locations over ten years  

  • Three feature stories in The Boston Globe about our brand 

  • An online 1:1 and group fitness coaching program

  • A trademarked licensing program for the stroller fitness program  

  • Sold-out multi-day retreats 

  • A unique fitness and journaling class series: Mama Beasts Soul

  • A digital online magazine with advertisers and a team of writers 

  • A podcast (reaching thousands and growing) with advertisers 

  • Produced and marketed online webinars including: Mental Health During Crisis, MB Holiday Stress Summit, Perimenopause 101, Perimenopause Fitness and Nutrition Bootcamp and more. 

  • More than 50 wellness challenges including video and editorial content

Productions + work in corporate and higher education positions:

  • Digital advertising campaigns

  • On-site marketing campaign activations

  • Social media campaign and content plans

  • Thought leadership content development and strategy

  • Speeches and podcast scripts 

  • Op-eds and articles for executives and higher education leaders 

  • News-related thought leadership blog series

  • Social media mangement, strategy, reporting, listening and crisis comms.

The Details 

Our fall cohort is an online program that will kick off on October 8th. Spots are limited.

We will hold a weekly group studio session, as well as a weekly office hour to tackle specific questions and blocks, all while encouraging co-working. There will also be an opportunity for each participant to workshop her idea/project with the group to gain valuable feedback to apply as each participant works on her project. 

The program includes: 

  • Ten live studio sessions (via zoom) on Tuesdays, 7:30-8:45PM 

Studio sessions are designed to educate and inspire you as you delve into your project. Each week, we will start with a “creativity prompt exercise”, and participants will share progress updates. Antoinette will provide laser-focused coaching for individual questions and then move on to present a weekly training that can be applied to current projects or future work. Studio sessions will end with a ten-minute focus planning to set objectives for the upcoming week. All participants will also have an opportunity to submit work for a peer and instructor workshop during the final three weeks of program. 

  • Ten weekly office hour sessions (via zoom) on Thursdays, 12-1PM 

Entrepreneurship can be lonely – and overwhelming. It’s incredibly easy to fall off track for a broader project, so a weekly office hour session aims to keep you accountable, focused and address any questions that may surface for you. While not required, it’s highly recommended you log on as much as you can. 

  • Written feedback from your instructor on your workshop submission.

  • Access to studio session recordings and trainings 

  • Option to add 1:1 coaching sessions at discounted price

The Investment

The Studio: 10-Week Fall Online Cohort

$599 (paid in full) or three payments of $209.

Add 1:1 Coaching

$749: Program + Two 1:1 Sessions

Scholarship Alert

***Having bootstrapped Mama Beasts from the beginning, I understand if you’re in the early stages of your entrepreneurial journey, finances can be incredibly stressful, and you may struggle with the decision to invest in yourself. I also know how important community and coaching can be in those early stages, so I’m holding one spot in the program for a full scholarship recipient. Apply here. 


Is this program right for me?

If you want to create a project (and actually see through its completion!) that will enhance, grow or establish your business – this is a place for you. It is also a wonderful fit for those working on a creative project (such as a book or art work) and would like to eventually monetize your work.  Check out this list of projects I love to support women in creating.

Is this business coaching? 

This program is a mix of creative and business consulting. I believe that creative projects are key to establishing, marketing and scaling a business; this program aims to help you create a project and also monetize it. here are some examples: 

  • You are a service provider and see clients 1:1, but you want to create a small group program. We guide you in conceptualizing what the program looks like, including what specific assets you need to create, how it will be marketed and how it will be monetized. 

  • You are a business owner who wants to create content more regularly to position yourself as a thought leader.  Possible options to achieve your goal include our guidance in developing a blog or LinkedIn content plan, along with how to align this content to specific conversions and opportunities. 

  • You have an established business and audience but have always wanted to offer an in-person event or retreat.  Our program would provide coaching throughout the planning and marketing process, ensuring that you also plan for how to align your business in its entirety to your executed event or retreat.

  • You want to start or complete a creative writing project.  A structured accountability plan and creative feedback would be provided by this program, as well  marketing strategies for once the project reaches completion. 

  • You want to grow an authentic community element to an existing business to boost brand awareness and conversions. This program will provide  guidance regarding choosing an option that makes the most sense, which includes supporting both  the technical and creative elements. 

The options are endless. And if you aren’t sure yet, we encourage you to fill out an interest form, so I can learn about your specific project and determine if your goals are a good fit for this program. 

 I am not creative! Can this program help me? 

Yes! I understand that everyone has her own zone of genius and that creativity might not be where you shine. I also understand that not everyone is in a financial place to outsource creative projects(plus there are some concepts that a founder just needs to lead or be heavily involved in the creation). The Studio is a place where both non-creative and creative types can feel supported and inspired.

If I can’t make a class live, will a recording be available? 

Yes, a recording of class, notes and resources will be emailed the morning after all studio sessions every week. 

What can I expect to have completed at the end of the program?

We will set specific goals at the beginning of the project. End results will vary, as the projects themselves are different. You can expect to develop a solid plan to execute your project, start much of the work, complete at least one portion and have a plan on exactly how to move forward. Some participants may finish the ten weeks ready to launch (depending if there had been previous work completed) and others will finish well on their way. This program is a great fit if you are looking to launch a project end of year or Q1 of 2025, as well as have a plan for first half of 2025

Will I receive specific coaching on my business or project?

Yes, each week you will have the opportunity to share progress, ask specific questions and receive “lightning coaching” live from Antoinette. 1:1 coaching and consulting is incredibly valuable, although it can also be costly. Not all business owners, creatives and service providers are ready for that commitment. The Studio is a great opportunity to receive expert guidance on your individual projects at a great value. There is also the option to add two 1:1 sessions with Antoinette if you want to optimize individual coaching.

Group classes and sharing my work intimidates me. Should I join anyway?

Yes, absolutely! Creative work and dream projects are often done in a silo. They also often gather dust and don’t come to fruition, as it’s a goal only you know about. Imagine how your position would change if you had an instructor and small group of others, cheering you on to make progress. The Studio will also be safe haven to ensure you aren’t blindly embarking on a project. We’ll help you gain clarity on how you’ll tackle your project and develop strategy tactics for how you’ll monetize your idea. You will find a supportive and non-judgmental community within The Studio, as well as an instructor who fully understands the vulnerability of putting yourself and your work out there. If you are feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness – that’s good.  Those feelings are expected and a sign that you’re ready. 

I think I need more specific coaching regarding my project or business – is there an individual coaching option? 

There is an option to add two 1:1 sessions to The Studio program as a way to dive deeper into a concept or specific element of your project. These sessions can be helpful if you’re feeling confused or overwhelmed by your business on a broader level. I also work with women 1:1 in consulting retainers as I have availability. Please email me to learn more.