The Perimenopause Project

Sustainable self-care challenge for moms in the middle

Presented by Revival Wellness Studio

The physical and emotional symptoms of perimenopause can wreak havoc on our daily lives and make self-care seem unrealistic. This time in our lives, however, is when our self-care game needs to be at its strongest. As we navigate this season, our bodies are not calling us out (though damn, it can feel like it) – they are calling us back in, requesting a closer look at how we take care of ourselves to ensure that not only our basic wellness needs are met, but they’re optimized.

We have teamed up with Revival for a five-day mini challenge to up your self-care game in a realistic and sustainable way. Consider it a jumpstart to prioritizing your health and addressing nagging perimenopause symptoms that you’ve been putting off because…well…life.

Here’s how it works: 

1. Register

Sign up and join our private FB group to receive your daily assignment, stay motivated, receive free resources and meet other moms navigating the same challenges. We’ll also email you a challenge guide to use to track progress and complete journal prompts. You’ll also gain access to Perimenopause 101, a video of our incredible webinar that covers all the basics of perimenopause from women’s health experts.

2. Take The Challenge!

From 9/30 – 10/4, we will post a daily task and journal prompt in the FB group, as well as provide education and context around it. Moms who complete all five journal prompts and tasks by end of week will be entered into a raffle to win a prize from Revival.

3. Celebrate and attend our Perimenopause Project LIVE event (optional)

Join us at Revival on Wednesday, October 9th, to celebrate challenge completion, socialize and learn about treatments offered at Revival that may improve your perimenopause symptoms. Challenge participants will receive an email invite!