Is back-to-school season overrated?

Kelly Guay shares why she is Team Summer all the way

My daughter woke me up at 5:20am to let me know she was leaving the house for “Senior Sunrise” and Dunks’ with her friends before the first day of senior year.  Groggy, I peeled myself out of my cozy bed to take a picture of my beautiful younger daughter, admiring how much she has changed since freshman year.  I went back to bed for a bit before my older son, who is a sophomore this year, woke me up.  He has been downright giddy all summer thinking about getting back to his electrical shop, my little nerd.  God love him.  He was nice enough at fourteen to still allow me to take his picture before dropping him off at the high school.  Then back home again, I took pictures of my baby’s first day in 5th grade.  I’m not sure my oldest, in college now, will let me get a picture next week when her classes begin so I’ll enjoy this while I can.  After I dropped my youngest off and waved to all the greeting teachers, I reflected a bit, on this invitable shift in seasons.

I am a summer girl and always have been.  I need salt and sand and sun.  I need sleeping in and staying up late.  I need freedom.  I have a career that allows for that freedom, and I am grateful for it, but school starting up again disrupts the flexibility I crave and need.  It adds to my plate when I’ve worked so hard to streamline and organize my family’s busy schedule. 

While many moms are celebrating the kids being back in school, some of us struggle with the quiet around the house (especially if you work from home), the dishes piling up in the sink at a slower rate, and less sibling fights to hear.  Sometimes silence is deafening, especially for those of us who feel lonely without the chaos.  We are longingly looking for the wet towels from the beach laying out in the yard and the sand all over the kitchen floor.  Some of us hate waking kids up in the morning and dread knowing we actually should start having a bed time again like responsible parents. We loathe having to figure out what will be packed in the lunch boxes when free range feeding has worked perfectly fine for the past few months. ‘

Don’t get me started on the people who actually look forward to winter and ski season! But seriously, winter can be very unkind.  The shorter days zap the energy away.  A shorter day usually means getting less done and, as a single mom, I always have so much to do!  Single moms and dual income families still feel the sting of electricity bills and oil and gas prices stretching our paycheck to its limit.  The depression some can feel as the winter comes doesn’t get any better worrying about heating our homes.  As someone who feels as if I need to run to wherever the sun burns the brightest to feel it against my skin, to feel the way it calms me, I am being proactive.  I ordered more vitamin D on Amazon, knowing it’s not the same, but it will keep winter blahs at a distance if I start bulking up on it now.  I have Mediterranean skin. We do not do well in the winter without some serious intervention. 

 I’ve never been one to wallow or stay stuck and I know this change is coming every single year.  I know that although we don’t always love change, we can’t stop it.  Yes, my electric bill will increase in the coming months, yes my tan will fade, yes I will be constantly on the go to a sport or activity, but I still continue to hang onto summer during these early weeks of September.  However, what’s a Team Summer girl to do when the inevitable arrives in cooler, darker, and busier days?  I suppose I could focus on the positives, like it being quiet at the moment.  I do get more work done when I’m not breaking up a fight over the remote control or the last slice of pizza.  My daily yoga routine is more relaxing without little people walking through the room or asking me questions.  I did just get a cool pair of flare Judy Blue jeans at the consignment shop that I haven’t worn yet because it’s been so warm.  Fall will be a good time to break them out.  Schools have free lunches and breakfasts now so I suppose when I don’t have a chance to grocery shop, my kids will still eat.  I will no longer field daily complaints about the lack of “good food” in the house or inquiries of when I will be grocery shopping next. There are some positives here.

I know we can have fun picking apples and carving pumpkins.  I do enjoy watching the Pats games on Sunday afternoons and they might even be good again this year.  I do love Christmas and the traditions, fun, and kind deeds it brings.  I enjoy cozying up making a puzzle in front of the pellet stove in what my kids call my “old lady cardigan.”  As I picture this, I know it’s coming.  New seasons aren’t my favorite (unless it's summer), but I’ll be ok.  So will you.  And just when you have accepted the change, it will be time for another, eventually one that Team Summer can get behind.

Kelly Guay, founder of Breakwater Advantage, is, a Holistic Wellness Coach, Resiliency Coach, Certified Personal Trainer & Nutrition Coach, Yoga Practitioner, Group Fitness Instructor, Author, & Motivational Speaker. She is committed to promoting good health, overall wellness, positivity and spreading hope! Learn more.


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