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September: The “New Year” Issue

September has that blank slate vibe that we like — we are declaring it the new January around here. If you’re feeling a surge of fall motivation, we got you. Explore planners that will change your life, join the Perimenopause Project to up your self-care game, get your best midlife hair (hormones be damned) and hear from fitness pros on how to truly cultivate long-term change. If you don’t want to change a damn thing this September, we’re here for that, too — covering the dark side of chronic self-improvement and when you are oh so sad to see summer go. Let’s play.


The dark side of self-help

Can bettering yourself be a bad thing? “I have often witnessed the quest being more about keeping up with a certain societal standard versus striving for actual individual growth that would align with authentic happiness. In the self-improvement journey, where the drive for said improvement matters deeply: it’s the difference between hurting or helping.“


Join the Perimenopause Project

The physical and emotional symptoms of perimenopause can wreak havoc on our daily lives and make self-care seem unrealistic. This time in our lives, however, is when our self-care game needs to be at its strongest. We’ve teamed up with Revival Wellness Studio to offer a mini challenge to up your self-care game in a realistic and sustainable way.



What the f is happening to my hair?

We chat with Gillian Goddard, an endocrinologist and author of Hot Flash, to understand the hormonal connections — and how to best care for your midlife hair



From finance to front steps

We are chatting with family photographer Cara Soulia about how she followed her dream, how she transforms when she’s behind the camera and how she went viral with a project that connected thousands of people all over the world, capturing what would end up being a defining period of time in our communities and country.



Is back-to-school season overrated?

Kelly Guay shares why she is “Team Summer” all the way. “While many moms are celebrating the kids being back in school, some of us struggle with the quiet around the house (especially if you work from home), the dishes piling up in the sink at a slower rate, and less sibling fights to hear.  Sometimes silence is deafening, especially for those of us who feel lonely without the chaos.”